If so, please pass along the information, so the guide can be updated and credited to other individuals. There is a great deal of poking in the game's guts, and perhaps someone else has indeed found a way to reveal camera coordinates.

Millsy: If this exists, I'm not aware of it, sorry. Hello all! I'll address what's been asked so far. Send Instant Message | Send E-Mail | View Profile | Quote Reply | Link This guide is a great tool for those trying to understand the game mechanics, create elaborate mods, and in a short time, make wonderful maps. Now that this has been said, feel free to post your feedback or ask questions here. For the sake of fair play and in consideration of fellow players, please act honorably."

They should not be used to gain an advantage in multiplayer environments, competitive or casual, unless all players are made aware and are in agreement. "It goes without saying that these are intended to be used by individuals in a single player environment as a means to explore the game's mechanics, fool around, have some fun, and help players that may be stuck or frustrated. I'll just cite Curio himself, as he started the guide with such a notice, that once again, we advise you to respect:

With this guide being public, many players will be able to spot those vile cheaters, and report them to the community. Curio made us the honor of adapting his cheating guide, containing all the Heroes 5 cheats commands, in html pages, and they are now hosted on Age of Heroes:īefore anything else, we take the fairness of multiplayer games very seriously, and anyone trying to use these cheats to abuse other people is not welcomed here.